Thursday, September 16, 2010

#9 Theatre Du Reve


this one was so much fun. I was the last person from the evening. I went in there a bit worn out, and not sure what to expect. I asked them if I could sing first, and they said yes. Then, they asked if I wanted to play something on my violin (since I had it there) so I got to play some stuff on that. They said it sounded nice. Then they handed me a piece of paper w/ 5 character names on it, and I was to come up with different voices and body language for each character. A baker, a nun, a teacher etc. Oh, it was SO much fun!
Then, it got better. They asked me to deliver the same lines the same way except in French! Translating on the fly and remembering what I had done before took a LOT of brain power.

Then, they asked if I knew a joke to share. So, I asked them what the zero said to the eight. Answer: "nice belt." That got a laugh from the one who spoke French. (yes, accurate deduction, the other casting director didn't speak French. Much to my dismay.)

Then they wanted to know where I grew up. I'm tired of telling people my life story. Still, I understand that an audition is a HIGH stress interview. They want to see if the people will fit with their cast b/c they are going to be spending a lot of time together.

Then the non-French speaking director said he had seen enough to get a feel for who I am. (NOT what you want to hear at an audition.)

They told me that the masked ball fundraiser in November will need performers. Perfect! I will get to do some entertaining with these people who are creative and speak French.

On my way home, I realized that I didn't do the monologue for them. Things just flowed without it. Maybe that would have changed the outcome.

My head now hurts. I've never been hung over the way most people speak of it, but I think I'm hung over from the excitement of the day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"the decisions were tough"

I finally got an email from Stone Mountain today. Yes. An email. (bad sign) and it said that they had to take so long because the decisions were so tough. They are grateful that I auditioned and said they hope I come to the one in the spring. Yeah. So that's the word on that one. Bummer.

On another note, the audition for Theatre Du Reve is tomorrow! I'm quite excited about singing and monologuing for them.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

waiting with a chance

just learned that for the last two years Stone Mountain has had two auditions and some people who were in the first were hired for the show. So, there is still hope. And, no one from the audition I was at has heard yet.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

no word

I haven't heard back from Stone Mountain. I'm feeling that if they knew they wanted me on cast, I would have heard by now.

This is challenging. I'm needing to be on stage, but b/c of traveling, community theater stuff hasn't worked out. (They require 4 to 6 times as much practice time as professional gigs.) And, the professional stuff hasn't yet worked out either.

At dance today I saw someone from the Sound Of Music audition. Actually, she saw me and introduced herself again. She encouraged me to keep trying she's been auditioning for 3 years and got her first break this summer. She's been doing community theater all around in the mean time. And, the break was because one of the directors she has worked with got her into a private audition.

I love this dance place btw's. It's just for adults and they have all levels of all types of dance classes and you "drop in" i.e. come when you can, and only pay for those times. This is the first time I've been there on a Saturday, and it was hopping!

I'll be auditioning for the French theater on the 16th at 9:45 (at night! b/c I'm playing violin earlier in the evening.) that will be #9/100.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Still no word. I'm really really really hoping on this!

On another note, I got an email from the French Theater in Atlanta (Teatre Du Reve). They have auditions the 16th of this month for a show in January. In my perfect scheme of things, I would work for Stone Mountain, then Theatre Du Reve, then go on a 6 month cruise ship contract then come back, buy a house and be a worship leader, voice teacher, and have a family.

At the moment, I am becoming quite familiar with waiting for step one, prepping for step two, and wondering what will really happen in the next 12 months.

peace out!